Strategic Pivot

Designing industry-leading approach to driving greater water efficiency, rooted in human-centred approach, behavioural science and lean testing methodology.

Project Overview


Deliver a strategic reset, inject innovation  and increase scale of ambition of a critical regional environmental resilience challenge.


Future readiness of the industry, risk attitudes and procurement timelines, Intangible concepts in an engineering culture, and obtaining disaggregated data.

Success Metrics

Revised focus, strategic framework and approach as well as next steps to progress opportunities.


3-day sprint: reflect and pivot

Engage stakeholders to review strategy, past activity, ambitions, results and new sources of inspiration.

Evidence-based strategy

Synthesise key themes, assumptions and knowledge gaps to verify. Define
scope for prioritised segments.

High-impact opportunities

2-week sprint to scope opportunities and define steps from insight to action.

Innovation Pipeline

Continuously building and refining a pipeline of opportunities.


Experiments and trials across Behavioural Science comms, product and technology.

Adopt and Scale

Support and inform scaling of solutions.

Key insight

  • Water use is not one broad, simple behaviour to be changed.

  • No single solution exists. We need practical, user centric solutions across communications, product and technology.

  • Industry’s curse of knowledge has led to
    over-indexing on education as a behavioural change solution: the assumption that knowledge will give everyone the same level of motivation to use less water.

DME Staircase


  • 3-day sprint design and delivery: activity schedule and bespoke design stimulus.

  • Revised focus and strategic framework

  • Understanding segments, their motivations and behaviours.

  • Identified opportunities to inform trial and assumptions to validate.

Business Canvas

Impact to date

A fresh perspective on resources and expertise needed to enable behaviour change at scale for a complex environmental challenge.

The collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach identified new opportunities, broadened impact and provided a test-and-learn process to validate solutions at pace.

Delivered key activities that have deepened knowledge of what works to help customers change behaviour in the context, including:

  • Ethnographic research,

  • Behavioural science communication audits,

  • RCT comms trials,

  • Horizon scans,

  • Lean product and technology trials.

Enabling behaviour change through innovation